Fritzing power supply
Fritzing power supply

fritzing power supply

The documentation also indicates that these regulators have built-in protection against short-circuit through power limiting circuitry. Their documentation states that this series can provide a maximum output current of 1 A, and the absolute maximum input voltage rating is 15 V. These are a good set of components found in a SOT-223 package. There are two regulators where one regulator establishes a 3.3 V rail, whilst another establishes the 5 V rail. The AMS1117 is a voltage regulator manufactured by Advanced Monolithic Systems.

fritzing power supply

Nevertheless, it is amazing that they can sell this for less than £2.00 including postage! YwRobot appears to be a Chinese firm that sells a lot of these to their domestic educational establishments however, some of their products can end up on eBay, and Amazon, selling to worldwide markets. Since the green power LED is connected to the output rail, when I applied a short to either of the voltage rails it would go out, hence this is an excellent indicator of a short in the power rails that the hobbyist can make use of when building breadboard circuits. This is really due to the built-in protection that the voltage regulators have. I then repeated the test to measure the loading on the power source when the voltage regulator output was shorted, and I am glad to say that the source remained protected. I noticed that the 5 V regulator heated up, but when the short was taken away it cooled down and continued to operate within normal parameters. I performed a short circuit test by shorting the power supply rails for a full minute, and surprisingly the voltage regulators continued operating properly. The manual I received came with a small sheet of paper stating only the input voltage and current levels, however this MB102 manual may provide more information. This multi-page article might prove useful to anyone considering buying it, or needs to know how it works. It provides dual 5 V and 3.3 V power rails, and has a USB socket. This module has the marking 545043 and MB V2 on the printed circuit board (PCB).

fritzing power supply

The MB102 is a breadboard power supply module manufactured by the YwRobot Corporation in China.

Fritzing power supply