Upon locating and documenting all 30 dinosaur bones and sending their locations to Deborah MacGuiness, players will receive a letter from Deborah expressing her gratitude and excitement. Take your time and enjoy the scavenger hunt, as the mission offers a unique and entertaining challenge for players.Be prepared to traverse a variety of terrains and environments, as the dinosaur bones can be found in diverse locations across the game world.Use your map and consult online guides or resources to help pinpoint the locations of the bones.Keep an eye out for unusual rock formations and distinctive landscapes, as these can often be clues to the location of dinosaur bones.Use your Eagle Eye ability to spot the glowing yellow markers that indicate the presence of dinosaur bones in the vicinity.Here are some helpful tips to assist you in locating the dinosaur bones for “A Test of Faith”: Send the locations of the discovered bones to Deborah MacGuiness via the in-game post office.

The mission begins when Arthur Morgan encounters Deborah MacGuiness near a cliff in the Heartlands region of New Hanover. This informative guide will provide an overview of the mission, its objectives, and tips to help you successfully locate the dinosaur bones and appreciate the memorable encounter with Deborah MacGuiness. The mission involves a scavenger hunt for dinosaur bones scattered throughout the game world, providing a fun and engaging challenge for players. “A Test of Faith” is an enjoyable and intriguing stranger mission in Red Dead Redemption 2 that introduces players to Deborah MacGuiness, an amateur paleontologist with a passion for unearthing dinosaur bones.